Low app rating?

Push it to the required level with guaranteed result

Enter an App link for start

Our parser scan store, show current app rating and count of 5 stars ratings for fix

Use full app link, country codes without spaces and rating with "."
If coral, please re-check with iTunes.


How it works ?

You have to paste your app link, list of geos and your target rating.
For example: for ____ app fix ratings for US,GB,ES,FR countries to 4.5.
After that we make calculation and you will see column "Need Ratings".
This is volume of 5 stars ratings that you have to buy to rich target rating.

So after that you have to go to Add new order page and setup your order.
After save new order you can checkout and we will start fix your rating.

What next?

Next service we can provide for you - hold rating at current value.
We can monitor your rating every day and if it less 4.5, for example, we will push 5 stars ratings to fix.

To start with this service please contact with us by chat or email.

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Guaranteed 4 and 5-star ratings

Meaningful and high-quality reviews of at least 10 words

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