
We work with counties

USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, France, Italia, India, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, Indonezia, Singapore, Thailand, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Mexico, New Zealand, Estonia, Chile, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Uruguay, Turkey, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Nigeria, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Colombia, Iceland, Ireland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Argentina, Romania, Peru, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Philippines, Slovakia, Israel, Republica Dominicana, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Ecuador, Madagascar, Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Honduras, Paraguay, Tunisia, Cyprus, Lebanon, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Kenya, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Nepal, Benin, Uganda, Tajikistan, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guinea, El Salvador, Morocco, Mali, Gabon, Malta, Congo, Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Puerto Rico

Price for our services with maximum discount

iOS and Android

from EUR 0.74 *

  • 100% real devices
  • unique IPs
  • people from original country

iOS and Android
Install + Rating

from EUR 1.62 *

  • 100% real devices, unique IPs
  • people from original country
  • 4 and 5 stars

iOS and Android
Install + Rating + Review

from EUR 2.58 *

  • 100% real devices, unique IPs, locals
  • custom name of reviewers and Reviews Content
  • all positive reviews
  • good quality reviews with 2-3 sentences

* The price is based on the maximum volume discount.
You can check regular prices for our services below.
You can get discount up to 20% off for big orders.
Open Discounts policy
Prices do not include VAT. Please check VAT scenarios

Regular prices for our services

  • iOS / Android - install : EUR 0.92
  • iOS / Android - install + rating : EUR 2.02
  • iOS / Android - install + rating + review : EUR 3.22
  • iOS / Android - try to push review to the TOP : EUR 32.19
  • iOS / Android - give like / dislike for review : EUR 0.74
  • Huawei App Gallery - install + rating : EUR 3.31
  • Huawei App Gallery - install + rating + review : EUR 5.52
  • Mac OS - install + rating + review : EUR 4.6

Prices do not include VAT. Please check VAT scenarios

Examples with packages for buying App Store reviews

You can set up any package as you need with discount up to 20% !

10 reviews

EUR 25.75

  • welcome-discount 20% *
  • 10 reviews
  • 100% real users, unique IPs, locals
  • Will be delivered in 48 hours
* Available for first order for 10 reviews only!
Prices do not include VAT. Please check VAT scenarios

30 reviews

EUR 96.57

  • Regular price without discount
  • 30 reviews
  • 100% real users, unique IPs, locals
  • Will be delivered for 3-7 days

100 reviews

EUR 305.82

  • -5% off
  • 100 reviews
  • 100% real users, unique IPs, locals
  • Will be delivered for 10-12 days

Examples with packages for buying App Store reviews

You can set up any package as you need with discount up to 20% !

10 reviews

EUR 25.75

* Available for first order for 10 reviews only!
Prices do not include VAT. Please check VAT scenarios

50 reviews

EUR 152.68

  • -5% off
  • 50 reviews
  • 100% real users, unique IPs, locals
  • Will be delivered for 3-5 days

200 reviews

EUR 579.44

  • -10% off
  • 200 reviews
  • 100% real users, unique IPs, locals
  • Will be delivered for 10-15 days

Professional Tools with Guaranteed Results

Ratings and reviews

  • Guaranteed publication of reviews
  • Reporting with real screenshots from the Stores
  • No bots, no fraud
  • Warranties and contracting
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Fix your rating

  • Raise your rating to a certain level
  • Precise preliminary cost calculation
  • The final cost is specified before the work start
  • Warranties and contracting
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Hold your rating

  • Automatically track your rating
  • Negative reviews are overrode by positive reviews
  • Your participation is minimal
  • Warranties and contracting
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Featuring reviews

  • Available for iOS Apps
  • Hide negative reviews in the featured section
  • Raise positive reviews to the featured section
  • Warranties and contracting
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Guaranteed 4 and 5-star ratings

Meaningful and high-quality reviews of at least 10 words

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