Reason for replace: review has less then 4 stars, review has content shorter than 30 symbols
Yes. We can try to replace bad reviews with good. Algorithm is very easy: we post long good positive reviews and give 50 likes for each of them. AppStore and Google Play see positive activity with review and show it at the main page of app.
Price is 35$ per review. It contain posting the review plus give 50 likes to it.
We guarantee that we post review and give likes, but AppStore and Google Play make their own decision which review will be on TOP. So we can’t give 100% guarantee, but our experience is about 50-60% success.
Yes, it are length, count of likes and contain keywords from app at the review. But algorithm is not works like a line. It depend on hidden AppStore and Google Play algorithms. And we don’t know exactly rules.
Our general recomendations are:
Please check our guideline.
There are marks "helpful". Each user can give this mark if press and hold any review at the store.
Yes, it includes post review and give 50 likes to it.
We dont have casses like that, but we think it may have the reason.
It is number of dislikes. For example, if 1 review need 30 dislikes, you have to type there 30.
No, there no formula, just push lots dislikes, 20-30-40-50, more is better.
Sure, you can buy it as many as you need. Also you can setup order as you need - volume and pace per day.
Price is the same for each platform : 0.8$ per like. You can get discount up to 20% if buy a lot.
Yeah, but position depend on google, not volume of likes, But it helps! Please note that it is important for reviews in featured zone: keywords in review, lenght (>500 symbols), how old are review etc.
We exactly know what your application needs
Start of the campaign in 60 minutes
Meaningful and high-quality reviews of at least 10 words